November 27, 2023

Special Edition with Steven Williams, CEO of PepsiCo Foods North America


Recipe for Success Ep. 8

PepsiCo Foods North America CEO Steven Williams sits down with Vice President of Growth Integration Helen Stephens to discuss his career journey from working at a grocery store in a small Oklahoma town to becoming the leader of the Frito-Lay and Quaker foods business across North America. Learn how embracing new opportunities and stretching himself led to his dream job today.

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Hi everyone.

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Welcome to Recipe for Success.

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I'm your host, Jillian Emens.

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This is a special ediIon episode

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with the leader of PepsiCo's

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Frito-Lay and Quaker® foods business

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across North America,

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CEO Steven Williams.

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He sits down with

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Vice President of Growth IntegraIon,

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Helen Stephens,

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to share how he somewhat unexpectedly

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entered the world of PepsiCo.

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You don't want to miss this.

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Take a listen.

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♪Are you ready?

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To keep on dreaming.

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To keep on believing.

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I’m here to moIvate you.

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I’m here to push you. ♪

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Thank you, Steven.

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Appreciate you being here.

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We have polled our team

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for a bunch of quesIons for you.

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So some are kind of,

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you know, straigh`orward,

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some are kind of fun.

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So we're just going to

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kind of go with the flow here.

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All right.

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So let me start,

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a licle bit about yourself.

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Where did you grow up?

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What did you kind of aspire to be

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when you're younger self?

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So I grew up in

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Oklahoma, a licle town

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called Haskell outside Tulsa.

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I tell people I was farm to table

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before it was cool.

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Originally want to be an architect.

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Always worked in grocery stores.

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Coming up played sports, did all the things that, 00:01:22:15 - 00:01:25:08

you know, young kids do.

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You know, I never thought,

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I ended up in this job, that's for sure.

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But I'm glad to be here.

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And I think it's a privilege

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to have an opportunity to do the job.

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What was your first job?

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Was it you said grocery store?

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Yeah, grocery store.

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Absolutely. Licle corner grocery store

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In Haskell, I was very young.

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I learned a lot about

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hard work at a very young age.

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Got the work ethic honestly.

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It's kind of cool,

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full circle, back to the grocery stores.

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I like that.

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Yeah. My dad always said,

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you know, people always got to eat,

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and so I think that stuck with me.

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Let's shig to your career,

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so can you give us a brief overview?

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Before PepsiCo with PepsiCo.

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So I started with a company called Fleming.

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They're not around anymore.

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They were actually the largest grocery

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wholesaler in the country.

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They were like Fortune 40 at one point.

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And that goes to show you, I learned a lot

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when looking back on that,

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I leg before

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they went out of business.

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But regardless how big you are,

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when the environment changes,

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if you don't change, you know,

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you can go away.

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But I was recruited

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by Quaker®-Gatorade®

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from the customer,

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which was precy controversial at the Ime.

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And I had never looked back.

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I mean, never looked back.

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And then so from there,

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you know, in 2001, 00:02:49:02 - 00:02:50:17

PepsiCo acquired Quaker.

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I was at the Ime

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I think Itle was

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NaIonal Business Manager for Gatorade®.

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And the acquisiIon went through

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and I got swept up right away

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into the mad

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world of PepsiCo and it was a blast.

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And I've,

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you know, I've just never looked back.

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I've had so many opportuniIes across,

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sales and markeIng.

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Moved nine Imes

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and just have had a wonderful,

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wonderful career.

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So what do you think

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was the most criIcal role that you had?

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I would say they were all criIcal.

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I mean, ulImately,

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if you're trying to get to the,

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biggest jobs in the company,

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taking some risk, making sure that

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you have assignments that stretch you.

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I remember I had

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an HR partner

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that told me once

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I was trying to go do this job

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that I thought was a really cool job,

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but it wasn't.

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It was going to be fun.

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It wasn't going to be hard.

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And she basically said, we're not

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going to go let you do that job.

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You need jobs

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that stomach hurt stretch from here.

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You don't need to go do the easy job.

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So, no,

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we've got other plans.

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And so, you know, you think about that

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there's a balance between

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you want to have balance,

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you want to have

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jobs you enjoy.

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I mean, I've enjoyed every job I've had. 00:04:12:05 - 00:04:15:12

Ager we got swept up by PepsiCo,

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what I thought was the most exciIng job I had

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was honestly it was the Gatorade®

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NaIonal Account Manager for Walmart.

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And it was the job that they literally

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I got ripped out of ager

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about a year and a half

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because they wanted to put me on a project.

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I was so mad,

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but it was probably one of

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the most rewarding assignments

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because I got a different

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kind of exposure into PepsiCo.

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It was basically helping integrate

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the Tropicana® business

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into what ended up being

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QTG (Quaker®-Tropicana®-Gatorade®),

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and they had picked seven of us.

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We basically were running the

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trade markeIng plans

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for the different channels for Tropicana®

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to get more raIonal pricing

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in the market

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and then get it integrated

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into the broader

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Quaker®-Gatorade® business.

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It helped me a lot.

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I didn't want to go do it.

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I didn't know I needed to do it.

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But it's something that

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really helped me.

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So when did you want to be CEO?

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I'll be honest, I always

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literally wake up

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and wanted to do the best job I could

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in the job I was in.

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And it wasn't

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that I wasn't ambiIous

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or didn't want to do more,

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but I always just thought, you know what?

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It was almost like sport, doing a job so good,

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I didn't want anybody to want to backfill me.

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I wanted to, like, just crush the ball.

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And so I put so much energy into the job

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that I was doing,

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I didn't really think

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much about what was next.

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Now, what I'll tell you is

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I would always,

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you know,

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you get to a point,

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and you know, people know how you're doing.

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Might not admit it out loud.

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You know, inside people know

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kind of what their capacity is,

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what their capability is,

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and candidly, what they're willing to do.

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And you get to a point

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where you're in a job

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and you’re working for somebody

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and you sense, you know,

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I could probably do that job.

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But I never really said,

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hey, listen, I'm going to go for the ring.

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I knew,

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you know, I will tell you,

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I knew and I knew for a long Ime

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and Al Carey has told this story

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a couple of Imes.

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I mean, for ten years

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I tried to get Frito-Lay.

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I was just trying to get Frito-Lay and every Ime

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I’d get put into another job.

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I'd say, okay, I'm going to Frito-Lay.

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Nope you’re going to go do another job.

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And I literally

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I was starIng to think,

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man am I on, what was that show,

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it's like I literally thought

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I was being punked.

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I'm like, “What is going on?”

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I keep telling you what I want to do.

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I'll go do just about anything.

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I just, I want to learn that business.

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I haven't been inside

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of Frito-Lay.

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And it just

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it looks like something really special,

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and I want to understand it.

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You know, I worked on the business,

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but I wasn't in the business.

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And I thought the day would never come.

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And when it did, it was amazing.

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And so, you know, the quesIon

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you asked was,

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when did you know you wanted to?

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I knew once I got here

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I loved it.

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I knew I could,

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but I didn't really even again,

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I was busy learning the business,

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trying to figure out the culture,

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trying to figure out how

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I could have the biggest impact

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to a business

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that was already just the crown jewel

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of PepsiCo.

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And the tricky thing

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about coming into a business

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like this is,

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it really is daunIng because you're like,

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how do I make my mark?

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And so I took a lot of Ime

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thinking about that, too.

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And at one point I knew, hey,

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I could probably do it.

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I didn't know, you know,

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Vivek (Sankaran) was going to leave.

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But I knew if he did, I could compete for the job.

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And, you know, PepsiCo's

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precy transparent

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when you get to a certain level

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on your potenIal

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and what you can do.

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And so I knew I could,

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but then it comes down to

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Iming and opportunity.

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SomeImes, you know,

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good things happen

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at the intersecIon of luck and preparaIon.

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Talk to me about cross-funcIonal assignments, 00:08:32:05 - 00:08:34:08

why do you think they're important?

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Genng people out of their comfort zones.

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Yeah, because you got to learn.

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It's just like anything,

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anything that is incremental

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to what you do today

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is going to stretch you.

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And the further away it is

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from what you do,

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the more it stretches you.

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That's why it's levels of change.

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So think about it this way.

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If I change funcIons,

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that’s a level of change.

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If I change locaIons,

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that's a level of change.

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If I change businesses,

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that's the level of change.

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And so we would typically say that

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one to two levels of change is enough,

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three levels of change may hurt you,

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four levels of change could break you.

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So we usually wouldn't do four.

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Three is kind of that

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stomach hurt stretch, right?

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You're going into a new culture,

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a new environment, a different country,

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a different business,

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a different funcIon.

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The more you can understand

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the reason those experiences are important,

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the more you can understand about

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other funcIons, the becer.

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Now, that doesn't mean go do you know,

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you need to have a hip pocket skill.

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Being a master of none

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isn’t a big idea either.

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I know people that will do like

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every job in the company for like a year.

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That's not going to work.

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You know, you need to have a hip pocket,

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you know if you ask me

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I’m a sales commercial leader.

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I wouldn’t have guessed that. 00:10:09:11 - 00:10:12:09

Yeah, that’s a big GM job.

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But I dabbled in markeIng,

00:10:13:21 - 00:10:16:12

I dabbled in strategy, trade markeIng.

00:10:16:12 - 00:10:20:13

I've done, you know, a bunch of different

00:10:20:15 - 00:10:24:06

jobs around the commercial space.

00:10:24:08 - 00:10:26:07

And I mean, I think it makes you a,

00:10:26:07 - 00:10:29:13

you know, a broader leader.

00:10:29:18 - 00:10:31:02


00:10:31:02 - 00:10:32:14

You know, and that is,

00:10:32:14 - 00:10:35:09

I think that's important.

00:10:35:09 - 00:10:36:22

Looking back on your career,

00:10:36:22 - 00:10:37:11

is there anything

00:10:37:11 - 00:10:39:10

you would have done differently?

00:10:39:10 - 00:10:41:10

You know, there was some forks in the road

00:10:41:10 - 00:10:43:17

where I think I took

00:10:43:17 - 00:10:45:18

the right fork,

00:10:45:18 - 00:10:48:17

but I don't know that.

00:10:48:17 - 00:10:51:03

You know, I turned down some jobs

00:10:51:03 - 00:10:53:00

that I don't know if I had taken it

00:10:53:00 - 00:10:56:09

it might have worked out differently.

00:10:56:09 - 00:10:58:06

But I don't know how differently.

00:10:58:06 - 00:11:00:03

I mean, this is my dream job.

00:11:00:03 - 00:11:02:00

I mean, this is like,

00:11:03:01 - 00:11:04:14

I love what I do,

00:11:04:14 - 00:11:05:21

and I don't know

00:11:05:21 - 00:11:07:20

if I would change anything.

00:11:07:20 - 00:11:08:20

I always felt like

00:11:08:20 - 00:11:10:13

I was the luckiest person

00:11:10:13 - 00:11:12:15

to have the job I had.

00:11:12:15 - 00:11:14:19

And I never really,

00:11:14:19 - 00:11:15:19

had my eyes,

00:11:15:19 - 00:11:17:09

other than I wanted to get into Frito-Lay.

00:11:17:09 - 00:11:18:20

I literally would have come over here

00:11:18:20 - 00:11:19:22

to do anything.

00:11:19:22 - 00:11:21:12

I didn't tell anybody that.

00:11:21:12 - 00:11:22:18

I tell them I want to come to Frito-Lay.

00:11:22:18 - 00:11:24:19

I wanted to get over here so bad.

00:11:24:19 - 00:11:26:17

It was crazy.

00:11:26:17 - 00:11:28:14

What role has been the most fun?

00:11:30:11 - 00:11:31:08

Man, this one.

00:11:33:06 - 00:11:35:00

Good answer.

00:11:35:00 - 00:11:38:16

Oh, my God, I am having a blast.

00:11:38:16 - 00:11:41:16

I don't even know

00:11:41:16 - 00:11:45:07

if I thought it would be this good. 00:11:45:09 - 00:11:46:15

I really don't.

00:11:46:15 - 00:11:47:15

I mean, I just,

00:11:47:15 - 00:11:48:01

you know,

00:11:48:01 - 00:11:53:15

to be able to lead an organizaIon this size,

00:11:53:15 - 00:11:58:00

have responsibility for,

00:11:58:00 - 00:12:01:14

the company's largest business,

00:12:01:14 - 00:12:07:13

and to do the kind of transformaIon

00:12:07:13 - 00:12:09:00

that we're undertaking,

00:12:09:00 - 00:12:11:23

I just, I can't even put into words.

00:12:11:23 - 00:12:14:07

I mean it’s,

00:12:14:07 - 00:12:15:21

you know, I'd be being insincere

00:12:15:21 - 00:12:18:17

if I said it was something else.

00:12:18:17 - 00:12:19:21

But I've always felt like

00:12:19:21 - 00:12:21:06

that about jobs I’ve gocen.

00:12:21:06 - 00:12:23:09

There were a couple that were a licle bit wonky,

00:12:23:09 - 00:12:25:14

but most of them ended up being,

00:12:25:14 - 00:12:27:06

wow, this is a great job.

00:12:27:06 - 00:12:28:09

But when I get the next one,

00:12:28:09 - 00:12:29:03

I’ll love it too.

00:12:29:03 - 00:12:30:22

So I would say I don't

00:12:30:22 - 00:12:32:06

think anything tops this.

00:12:32:06 - 00:12:37:08

I think anybody that would want it would like it.

00:12:37:22 - 00:12:39:06

It’s a lot of fun.

00:12:39:06 - 00:12:41:00

Now, it's a lot of responsibility,

00:12:41:00 - 00:12:43:11

and I don't take that responsibility lightly either.

00:12:45:12 - 00:12:49:09

It’s enormous weight on

00:12:49:11 - 00:12:51:05

responsibility you have for lives

00:12:51:05 - 00:12:52:06

and livelihoods.

00:12:52:06 - 00:12:56:15

It's an enormous responsibility on

00:12:56:17 - 00:12:59:23

are you gonna really leave the company

00:12:59:23 - 00:13:04:05

becer than you found it for others.

00:13:04:05 - 00:13:09:16

And so I spend a lot of Ime

00:13:09:16 - 00:13:13:10

physically and mentally thinking about

00:13:13:10 - 00:13:14:23

how to do that.

00:13:14:23 - 00:13:17:12

Last bit of advice

00:13:17:12 - 00:13:19:21

to our leaders in the growth office.

00:13:19:21 - 00:13:21:12

What's the one thing you tell them

00:13:21:12 - 00:13:24:04

as they're on their career journey?

00:13:24:04 - 00:13:26:06


00:13:26:06 - 00:13:29:03

building authenIc relaIonships,

00:13:29:03 - 00:13:31:15

being a good person,

00:13:31:15 - 00:13:33:08

genng the job done, man,

00:13:33:08 - 00:13:34:15

whatever it is.

00:13:34:15 - 00:13:37:08

I think it's building a track record, 00:13:37:08 - 00:13:38:05

genng results,

00:13:38:05 - 00:13:40:04

but you have to do it the right way.

00:13:40:04 - 00:13:42:03

And I think that has been

00:13:42:03 - 00:13:43:10

I mean, when I think about

00:13:43:10 - 00:13:45:03

if you ask me,

00:13:45:03 - 00:13:48:06

what the difference maker for me

00:13:48:06 - 00:13:49:20

in my career has been,

00:13:49:20 - 00:13:51:21

it has been

00:13:51:21 - 00:13:56:00

leading in a way that builds

00:13:56:00 - 00:13:58:09

relaIonships authenIcally

00:13:58:09 - 00:14:00:20

with people in order to get results.

00:14:00:20 - 00:14:04:17

Being transparent and authenIc about

00:14:04:17 - 00:14:06:15

what I'm doing and then

00:14:06:15 - 00:14:08:20

doing what I say I'm going to do.

00:14:08:20 - 00:14:10:06

We make a plan.

00:14:10:06 - 00:14:11:16

Don’t we?

00:14:11:16 - 00:14:13:00

Yes we do.

00:14:13:00 - 00:14:14:17

Steven, this has been awesome.

00:14:14:17 - 00:14:16:05

Thank you. It's been an honor.

00:14:16:05 - 00:14:17:11

We appreciate it.

00:14:17:11 - 00:14:18:03

This has been great.

00:14:18:03 - 00:14:18:22

Thank you so much.

00:14:18:22 - 00:14:19:18

Thank you.

00:14:19:18 - 00:14:21:23

Thank you so much to Helen and Steven.

00:14:21:23 - 00:14:24:02

What a great way to be inspired.

00:14:24:02 - 00:14:25:11

I hope you've learned something new

00:14:25:11 - 00:14:27:21

to add to your own recipe for success.

00:14:27:21 - 00:14:29:14

Click that follow bucon on SpoIfy

00:14:29:14 - 00:14:31:22

to know when our next episodes are live.

00:14:31:22 - 00:14:33:00

Thanks for tuning in.

00:14:33:00 - 00:14:34:12

See you next Ime.

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♪ The top.

00:14:36:01 - 00:14:39:04

Come on. (x5)

00:14:39:04 - 00:14:43:19

Everybody keep working. ♪