October 18, 2023

Our pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) water vision is that wherever we operate, water resources are left in a better state because of our presence. With hundreds of Frito-Lay associates and key facilities located in central California, including our newly-transformed Modesto site, we have an important role to play in helping the water-stressed region.

Recently, Frito-Lay proudly funded the restoration of more than 2,000 acres of wetlands in the San Luis National Wildlife Refuge. Home to multiple endangered species, our investment – in collaboration with Ducks Unlimited and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – made a large-scale restoration project possible. These important habitats are now able to retain more water and capture more precipitation.

“[The funding] really helped us take our design to the next level…it unlocked a bunch of design freedom to think bigger than we might have been able to initially.” – Sean Brophy, Deputy Project Leader, San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Watch the video now to learn more from local Frito-Lay leadership, government officials and our partners about the groundbreaking partnership.