October 25, 2023

At Frito-Lay, transforming the way we make, move and sell our beloved products is central to achieving a brighter, more sustainable future. Without our more than 66,000 North American associates, reaching our pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) goals simply won’t be possible.

When Jon Melvin, co-founder of Frito-Lay Jonesboro’s Green Team, saw a need for a more sustainable workplace, he turned his ideas into action. From introducing employee competitions and pledges to designing t-shirts with a sustainability checklist, Jon shifted the way more than 1,000 of his fellow associates approached sustainability.

The end result? The Jonesboro team reduced water, natural gas and electric use by 20% in certain operations.1

Learn more about how Jon and the Jonesboro team enacted sustainable change – and had fun while doing it!


1 First 3 months of 2023 among the frontline manufacturing processing, packaging, facilities and mechanics teams.